The Women Entrepreneurs Business Support Center, a key initiative under the We-Fi project of the World Bank and organized by BreakBite in collaboration with North South University, successfully conducted a comprehensive workshop on Holistic Marketing on February 14, 2024. The workshop, led by Mr. Omar Nasif Abdullah, faculty from the Management and International Business Department at North South University, and Mr. Shah Paran, CEO of Overlay Asia, attracted 40 active participants from a confirmed list of 67.

Workshop Overview:

The workshop was conducted in two phases, each focusing on crucial aspects of marketing and digital marketing to empower women entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools needed for business growth.

Phase 1: Holistic Marketing

In the first one and a half hours, Mr. Omar Nasif Abdullah provided an in-depth understanding of holistic marketing. He covered fundamental branches of marketing, emphasizing the importance of segmentation, targeting, and brand development. Mr. Abdullah’s session highlighted:

  • Marketing Fundamentals: An overview of the basic principles of marketing and their application in real-world scenarios.
  • Segmentation and Targeting: Techniques for identifying and reaching target customer segments effectively.
  • Brand Development: Strategies for creating and maintaining a strong brand presence in the market.

Phase 2: Digital Marketing

The second phase, led by Mr. Shah Paran, focused on digital marketing trends, tricks, and tips to enhance brand visibility, customer engagement, and overall business growth. Key topics included:

  • Facebook Marketing: Detailed exploration of Facebook’s role in attracting and retaining customers, especially during peak seasons.
  • Inbox Automation Strategies: Importance of streamlining communication processes to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction through automated responses.
  • Basic Boosting Process: Insights into creating impactful Facebook ads and dissecting competitor advertisements to gain a competitive edge.
  • Customer Engagement: Building a loyal customer base through effective digital marketing strategies.

Engaging Q&A Session:

The workshop concluded with an engaging Q&A session, reflecting the participants’ eagerness to understand marketing specifics related to their businesses. Both trainers addressed queries on various topics, including:

  • Acquiring customers during peak seasons
  • Building a loyal Facebook customer base
  • Leveraging digital marketing for business success

The dynamic exchange of knowledge showcased the commitment of the WeFi Center and Overlay Asia to empower women entrepreneurs, equipping them with practical strategies in a collaborative setting.

Participant Feedback:

Participants expressed their gratitude for the comprehensive and practical advice provided by the trainers. They appreciated the opportunity to engage directly with experienced marketing professionals and receive tailored guidance on their unique business challenges. The workshop was highly productive, offering practical solutions and empowering women entrepreneurs with the knowledge to navigate marketing complexities effectively.

The Women Entrepreneurs Business Support Center continues to empower women by providing essential resources and insights through such interactive workshops. The center remains committed to supporting the growth and success of women-led SMEs by providing tailored support and expert guidance.